Friday, September 23, 2011

Plum + Apple Jam = Applum Jam

Soooo....i have an apple tree and like 4 plum trees in our yard so I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do with them all. On Pinterest (my newest obsession) I found this recipe. My awesome mother in law helped me make it tonight and holy cow...I couldn't get the girls away from the pan so I could bottle it up! It was soo yummy! I can't wait to make more. It was so easy!

1 lb plums (the firmer the better)
1 lb apples (we did 2 C diced)
3/4 C water
2 C sugar
2 cinnamon sticks (we did 1 tsp ground cinnamon)
1 vanilla pod (we did half a capful of vanilla extract)

Peel, and roughly chop your apples to make 1 lb or roughly 2 cups. Slice plums in half and take the pits out. The plums were 2 cups too.

Add fruit, water, cinnamon, and vanilla to pot and let simmer/cook down until fruit is nice and soft. I know 3/4 C of water is like nothing, but trust me it cooked down nicely.

Once fruit is soft I used my emulsion blender and made it nice and smooth. The recipe didn't say to do that butnI don't like chunky jam.

Add sugar and let boil until sugar is dissolved.

Store and seal in canning jars. I have no idea if it freezes good, but I don't see why not. It is kind of a runny jam, but my MIL said that if we cooked it longer it would thicken up and she also said it wouldn't hurt to add pectin. I will see how thick it is when we use it in the morning.


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