Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chocolate Orange Sweeties

I love these! They're easy to make and would be fun to do with the kids. Experiment with different extracts and colors to make it interesting!

1 tsp orange extract (lemon is good too!)
2 cups powdered sugar
2 Tbsp vegetable oil
2 Tbsp light corn syrup
food coloring
big handful dairy-free chocolate chips

Mix the orange extract, oil, corn syrup, and food coloring together in a medium bowl until smooth.

Add the powdered sugar one teaspoon at a time! If you add more, the recipe will not work, so have patience and mix each spoonful in all the way before adding more. Use hands after awhile, they work best.

Once you have a soft but not sticky dough (you’ll likely have some sugar left over), tear off a small coin size piece and roll it with your hands to make a ball. Drop the ball onto a plate dusted with powdered sugar and repeat until the dough is gone.

Press a chocolate chip into each of the balls.

Put the candies in the fridge to set up for at least ½ hour. Enjoy!

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