Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thai Ramen Noodles

I don't know about most of you, but growing up I ate A LOT of ramen noodles. I still eat A LOT of ramen noodles. They are so good, I can't help it. :) One way my dad would change things up for us was to turn our ordinary ramen into Thai ramen. I love it, my husband hates it.

Make ramen as directed, but while noodles are cooking add:

chicken flavor packet
1 T sugar
1 T fish sauce
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

to bowl of your choice. While draining noodles, make sure to save some water. Pour in bowl and stir. Yum! I have to say though, I have NEVER measured this, so . . . . good luck. I am guessing on the measurements.

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