Saturday, February 27, 2010

Grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs

This is what we had for dinner the other night . . . hamburgers and hot dogs. Doesn't that look soooo good. :) Add a little 60 degree weather and it makes for a perfect meal.

ps. They are just the store bought patties, nothing fancy, I promise.
pss. I realized that yes, this is a recipe blog, but sometimes people (like myself) enjoy a good reminder of what we can have for dinner. So when I post no-brainer meals like this, it is mostly for my own reference in the future. For you too, but mostly for me.


  1. so jealous of your 60 degree weather. i like when you post no-brainer meals! =)

  2. oh just rub in that 60 degree weather! i'm doing a happy dance because my front yard just barely started to melt away slowly:)

    nothing like good ol american hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner!

  3. Can I put in a request for your Seasame Chicken recipe?

  4. Neesha,
    As soon as I try the recipe I will post it. I have been lacking in the dinner department this week. :) Thanks for being so patient.
