Monday, October 5, 2009

Bryan's Dutch Oven Chicken and Potatoes

Bryan, my husband, gets all credit for this recipe! This is a Tidlund family favorite. We ALWAYS have this when we are camping, but now we are starting to have it more often since we have a place to cook in the backyard :) We all love it. My 2 year old had 3 drumsticks!!!!

I did all the prep work on this and Bryan cooked it all because he is THE MAN. I don't have a written recipe to go off of, so I am doing it from memory, I hope your results are as awesome as ours.

Dutch Oven Potatoes:
1 package bacon
1 onion, diced
6-8 potatoes, diced
1 cube of butter (in needed)

Start by heating up the dutch oven. Meanwhile, cut bacon into 1"x 1" squares. It doesn't have to be perfect, just as long as they are small pieces. Put into dutch oven and cook.
Cut potatoes and onion into small-ish pieces or cubes.
When bacon is cooked to your liking, DO NOT DRAIN GREASE, and add potatoes and onions. Cook until potatoes and onions are cooked through, while stirring frequently. You don't want burned taters.

If things need a little lubing up, use the butter. You probably won't need it with all the bacon grease, but just in case. We usually save these leftovers (if there are any) for breakfast the next day.
Dutch Oven Chicken: (Adapt this to feed your family - the choice of chicken is up to you)
Chicken breasts, thighs, and drumsticks w/skin on and bone in
2 C flour
season salt and pepper
red cayanne pepper
1 can shortening

In big ziplock add flour and seasonings. I never measure so just eyeball it. Make sure the seasonings are mixed throughout flour.
Drain chicken and coat in flour mixture. Just shake in ziplock bag. Put all of shortening into dutch oven and heat through until melted. When oil is at right temperature, which I am not sure of because I have never cooked these, (I am sure you will know) carefully place chicken in the grease.
Rotate and flip chicken when sides begin to brown. Make sure your dutch oven has a lid or you will get hot, flaming grease everywhere. Safety comes first :) Put goggles on if you don't trust your self - hee hee. Once chicken reaches internal temperature of 180 degrees it is done! Let drain over paper towels and serve!

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