Sunday, September 20, 2009

Huffy Puffy/German Pancakes

So this morning we had Huffy Puffy, aka German Pancakes for breakfast. I did not know the "official" term for this up until last year. I got the recipe from my Grandma Clark, which is where I had it for the first time for Christmas breakfast. Soooo yummy!!! I still call it Huffy Puffy, even nobody else in the world does. :) Love you Grandma!

Once again, I didn't think to take a picture since this whole recipe blogging thing is new to me. So with the great chef etiquite I have, I stole a picture from somebody else :)

Huffy Puffy/German Pancakes

6 eggs
1 C milk
1 C flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 T melted butter

Preheat oven to 400, put butter in 9x13 pan and set in oven to preheat. Meanwhile, beat eggs well. Add flour, milk, and salt.

Take pan out of oven when butter is completly melted. Add egg mixture. Bake for 10 -20 minutes or until sides curl up and brown and middle is cooked.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Serve with apple pie filling or buttermilk syrup. :)

Low and behold as I was typing up this recipe I took a break and checked out my friend's recipe blog "Barb Bake's" and sure enough she had just posted this same dish. I promise I won't imitate her blog all year :) Her recipe looks really good and I will probably make hers next time I make it, so check her out too. (Link to right)

(Courtesy of Grandma Clark)


  1. I loving being your baking twin! That is so funny that we both posted about german pancakes. I think we have the same cooking likes. HOW FUN!!!!!

  2. oh these are my favorite, we call them fluffy's.
